Thursday, December 22, 2016

Addy Meets Kit's Father - Sunday Dec. 18th - Addy, Kit, Brian

The scene in this blog happens right after the group rp that created this blog:

Addison OBrian gets off of the bus and finds out the path ... eventually. She takes it and, seeing the house can't help but grin. If this wasn't Kit's house she'd eat it. She climbs the steps and knocks on the door, hoping Kit remembered she was visiting.

Brian Stewart looks up from a stack of bills .. 'wot.. the bloody . 'he says loudly through the window at the figure of a teenage. 'oh shite. me.. he swear softly 'not again . 'he walks to the door and opens it looking around then down 'can I help you .. 'he say in his faded but clearly Scottish accent '

Addison OBrian smiles a a BEAR of a man answers the door and speaks to her. She thought she MIGHT have heard some swearing. "Probably." she replies to him. "I'm Addison O'Brian. Kit invited me over ... he took me to the Winter Formal last night." she hopes SOME of this strikes a chord with the man. "Great to finally meet you."

Brian Stewart: peers down at the girl 'you wee lass are Addy .. 'he looks up 'Kit .. ' bellow 'what in fuckery .. is going on 'he say loudly .. then looks down 'well least you're no' one of those brazen vixens that keeps buggin bout him.. ' he shakes his head .. 'not after.. 'he states rattling but exhales as the little pixie of a girl 'so you're the bonnie one he keep gabbling about 'he say examining her a bit guarding his door.. like.. a keeper.

Addison OBrian gets MOST of what he is saying. She giggles. "No, sir. I'm not a brazen vixen." she snorts. "I keep the brazen vixens AWAY .... his excuse as to why he can't go here or there with them." she shrugs. "But yea. I'm Addy."

Kitsune Stewart looks out the window at his dads bellowing waves and scream 'DUNNO" he says softly looking down 'I don't see anything'he screams back

Brian Stewart shakes his head and motions her to come in 'before he get so worked up .. hell be up for days 'he smiles at her stepping back into the house

Addy giggles and comes in, sitting on the steps to take her shoes off, as is Canadian custom. "Use your x-ray vision to see me on the steps, and then think back to your inviting me here while you walked me home." she laughs as she sets her shoes neatly beside the stairs. "It's Addy ... you know ... the one who taught you to slide on ICE?" its all clearly joking. She looks at his father. "He really DID invite me. He probably forgets. He does that. Well ... you'd know better than anyone."

Kitsune Stewart squints his eye quickly 'I don't have x-ray vision silly 'he jokes and looks out the window at a cabin in the distance then gets his binoculars out quickly before . look down and shouts down the stair . 'oh yeah .. dad Addy comin over today 'he shouts.. and laugh softly 'but I guess you know that now. '

Brian Stewart shakes his head and looks at you .. 'yeah .. if its not in a schedule or something .. he forgets sometime says a bit softly 'noted Kit 'he shouts back up the stairs ..

Addison OBrian giggles and comes in further, looking around the place. It looks mostly normal ... so far. "I'll ask him if we should schedule times. He mentioned needing help with history, so ....." she shrugs. "The weekends are best for me."

Brian Stewart looks at her a bit warily 'yeah .. he said he wasn't doing so well but its the holidays.. so give him a week break .. then maybe you could help him catch up 'eh smile 'but yeah it probably be best to schedule in some time. ' . he laugh softly 'sod it i sound like he is some star and ill setup business with someone 'He looks at her carefully 'but yeah you sound like you could handle in and not take advantage of him 'he say knowingly .

Addison OBrian giggles. "So as his Agent, do you recommend Sunday Afternoons as a good time for me to meet your client?" she teases, sounding mock businesslike. She narrows her eyes. "Who takes advantage of Kit?" she demands. "Last person who did that in front of ME got a baseball bat to the ribs." she snorts. "Two days suspension. But my father said the guy deserved it for calling Kit a retard." she nods, sure she did the right thing.

Brian Stewart laugh softly scathing his beard 'yes.. Ms. OBrian .. I think this Brian .. will let you have Sunday afternoon to help young lad Kitsune Stewart out 'he say vaguely 'oh some dirty birds in the village.. a bit right mad cuz they couldn't sink their she devil of a witch talons in him to get him to go to that ball thing you two went to 'He smiles . he raises his eyebrow 'yeah he was very excited with nervousness at you doing that .. was worried you get expelled or something ' he smiles 'good one Lass 'eh say softly 'don't know why they say that .. he is not that .I had him tested .. he's just slow on the uptake but bright 'He says softly 'Only had to hold him back once 'He says softly 'but I thank yew for it 'He smiles at the fiery little sprite before him.

Addison OBrian giggles. "Sunday afternoons it is then." she nods and then sighs. "Well, I get excellent grades, plus I'm good at sports. So ... well they let me get way with a lot. Plus ... I get teased a lot myself." she sighs. She doesn't have to look down for him to see her chest. No one EVER misses it, even when she uses a sports bra to flatten it. Then she nods. "Yes, he's slow. I was guessing autistic. The way he plays baseball ... or maybe the drums. Like Michael Jackson ... a hundred tons of musical talent but social skills you could lose in a thimble." she giggles. "And not a lot of ... social metering." she straightens. "No problem, Mister Stewart. I like Kit and no one will hurt him while I am around."

Brian Stewart nods smiling at Addy 'Thanks, bonnie one. 'he smiles 'i know it would make him focus a bit more. 'he sighs 'i moved him up here cuz of the school 'he runs a hand through his orange hair . 'its a good school with one the best music program but yeah ..he just didn't make the cut ..guess they weren't that impress with his drumming but hes better then most pros I've heard .. give them a run for there money .. but yeah .. not so keen on social skills .. ' he nods .. 'think that what that said .. that and hyperactivity .. he say softly shaking his head .. me and .. Mindy were young parent just barely out of high school ourselves but I read all the books and made sure Mindy got the right tings . 'he say softly . 'Guess it just happen .. not that she was a rocket scientist . 'he did noticed but register it for a second only cuz her age .. and exhales ' I'm glad he has you being so far away from his other friends and family 'he say exhaling .

Addison OBrian leans forward. Her sitting isn't ladylike on the best of days, but when she leans forward, she DOES look almost mannish. "I can help him with that. I figger ... every school subject can be turned into some kind of fairy tale of Disneyesque .. something." she listens to him. "My mother is 20 years younger than my father." she tells him. "Maybe it would have worked if she could have kept her legs closed." she stops herself from ranting about her mother. "Anyway, my Dad's met him and likes him. Plus I don't mess with boys. AND Kit and I are just friends, really. I'll be sixteen in February but I think Kit thinks I'm fourteen for some reason." she shrugs. "Doesn't matter."

Brian Stewart looks curiously at her and the up at the ceiling making an odd face but shrug thinking .. he just thinks she is a kid so why tell him . he just smiles 'Well my ex wife is like that that now .. likes cats better than roosters 'He laughs softly ' but yeah that could work then .. he says smiling feeling even safer at his assumption of her sexuality and leaves his nearly 19 year home alone with a young girl loving girl 'he smiles 'he needs a good friend now .. more then ever 'He smiles 'just a friend is best . with his break up with another girl that didn't like to keep her legs shut for .. nearly all his male classmates 'he say softly .. shaking his head 'poor fox.. 'he say softly ..

Addison OBrian laughs. "Yea."she shrugs and lets him assume. Most of the guys ... and the girls .. think she is gay since she almost NEVER acts like a lady and never dates. But she tried dating Joey Piccolo ... and that didn't work out AT ALL. "Oh poor Kit...." she sighs and glances towards the ceiling. "Well, he's making friends ... its not just me, but most of them are boys. He just like the way I play baseball ... and that I don't get impatient with him."

Brian Stewart smiles 'that good it takes a lot to .. understand Kit . 'He smirks at himself 'As you can see I have colorful vocabulary when I blow my top ... but Kit just finds it hilarious . and I'm not sayin it to him .. 'he says softly 'just yeah . 'he laugh softly

Addison OBrian laughs. "I'm just pretty patient." she admits. "My father had a heart attack back in October .. and I am the one to change his diet and watch him as much as I can. Now I guess we can be overprotective of each other." she shrugs. "I'm not keeping you, am I Mister Stewart ....." she notices the papers on the dining room table, suddenly realizing shes visiting with Kits Dad .. but they would have to get to know each other.

Brian Stewart looks over at the stamp of paper .. 'those damn bill can just rot there for now . 'he laugh softly 'but I actually have to go .. pop in check on a wee bit of tings 'He says softly knowing .. 'need to pick up some more food after seeing what the mariner has to offer in company .. no offense wee bonnie one 'he smiles laughing . 'Tell kit not to wait up but don't I'll be back late ish if I'm lucky 'he laugh softly.

Addison OBrian smiles. "Sure thing Mister Stewart. I'll see you next week." she stands from the couch and heads up the stairs to see if it was history or WHAT Kit needed help with.

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